Sweden Alert its citizens to prepare for WAR as fears grow of a conflict between Russia and NATO

The Swedish government has started sending out five million pamphlets to residents urging them to prepare for the possibility of war as fears grow of a conflict between Russia and NATO.
The booklet 'If Crisis or War Comes', sent out by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), contains information about how to prepare for emergencies such as war, natural disasters, cyber attacks and terrorism.
'An insecure world requires preparedness. The military threat to Sweden has increased and we must prepare for the worst - an armed attack,' its new introduction states.
In one of the more worrying excerpts, the government warned people of the risk of nuclear weapons.
'The global security situation increases the risks that nuclear weapons could be used. In the event of an attack with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, take cover in the same way as in an air attack,' the pamphlet instructs readers.

'Shelter provides the best protection. After a couple of days, the radiation has decreased significantly,' it advises, adding that people will be warned of attacks over the radio and should go to basements or subways if there is no better option.
Another message, which has been brought forward from the middle of the booklet in the updated version, reads: 'If Sweden is attacked by another country, we will never give up. All information to the effect that resistance is to cease is false.'
It comes as tensions between Moscow and Ukraine's western allies have reached new heights, with the Biden administration yesterday giving Kyiv the green light to blast targets inside Russia with US-supplied long-range missiles.