JUST-IN:MICHAEL OKPARA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE UMUDIKE,SUG PRO chased out of exam hall over failure to pay school fees.

JUST-IN:MICHAEL OKPARA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE UMUDIKE,SUG PRO chased out of exam hall over failure to pay school fees.

The Micheal Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, started her first semester exam for the 2023 /2024 Academic Session being yesterday, Monday Feb 5, 2024

Reports has shown that over 70% of students were unable to pay their fees due to school fees Hike and this results to students been chased out of the hall by the school management (vice Chancellor).

The SUG PRO in the person of COMR IHEKE GODSON a 300l student of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike in the Department of Agricultural and Bio-resources Engineering was also chased out of the hall due to failure to pay his school fees

Meanwhile, the Student's union government of MOUAU are yet to react and protect the interest of the students and has caused harm!