JUST-IN:STRIKE--ASUU,ASUP, SSANU, Other's directs members to join solidarity in NLC strike

JUST-IN:STRIKE--ASUU,ASUP, SSANU, Other's directs members to join solidarity in NLC strike

Academic and administrative activities in the nation’s universities and polytechnics would be paralysed on Monday as lecturers and non-teaching staff would join the indefinite strike called by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC).

National officers of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) and Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) told Daily Sun that as an affiliate of NLC, they would participate in the strike.

A National Executive Council (NEC) member of ASUU said the various branches would join the state council of NLC in the start of the indefinite strike.

According to him, national officers would join the NLC strike rally at Abuja.

“ASUU as an affiliate of NLC will participate in the indefinite strike. Our members have been informed. No lecturer will go to class as from today until when the NLC called off the strike”, he stated.

One of the branch chairmen of SSANU noted that the national body has directed its members to join the national strike.

The chairman explained that administrative activities would be paralysed in public universities as from today till when the industrial action is suspended.

He said other branches of the union nationwide would join the NLC state councils to commence the strike.

Lecturers in public polytechnics say they would join the indefinite strike today until the NLC suspends the action.

The implications of the industrial action is that academic activities in state and federal polytechnics would be disrupted from Monday

The ASUP President, Shammah Kpanja said “indeed ASUP will surely join the strike.”

Kpanja noted that as an affiliate of the Nigerian Labour Congress polytechnic lecturers would surely join the strike.

A branch chairman of a federal polytechnic confirmed that his members have been mobilized for the indefinite strike and would not attend to students until the industrial action is suspended.

From today, academic and administrative activities in public universities and polytechnics would be disrupted due to the strike called by NLC and TUC.