NLC STRIKE UPDATE:ASUU,Other varsity unions sets to join NLC Strike movement

Federal government still yet to meet our demands

NLC STRIKE UPDATE:ASUU,Other varsity unions sets to join NLC Strike movement

It's no longer a news that the Nigerian labour congress (NLC) has decided to embark on an indefinite strike action due to the fact that the federal government has not met it's demands.

 However other affiliated unions has also vowed to backup the NLC Strike action which would commence next week.

 Our correspondence was able to gather information from sources who pleaded anonymous from various affiliated unions such as the varsities unions,as well as other's.

A high rank member of ASUU,has reliably confirmed to us that,if eventually the NLC embark on its strike action next week,they(ASUU) would have no option than to join,also stating that the federal government has not even met their demands that led to their strike action in 2022..

 Other sources also confirmed to us that in as much that the tertiary union body is an affiliated union under the NLC, they'll press on with the NLC Strike movement as soon as it's declared.