1-- She Begs Too Much
Women that begs too much can be piped using coke and bread or noodles, even your friends for most of you that keep thirsty stupid friends will pipe her behind your back
2-- She Is Greedy And Broke
when you give her opportunity to take something or go for shopping and she shops senselessly, she spend ridiculously buying things not only for herself but also for her family and friends in bid to squander your money
3-- Lack of Composure
A woman that lacks composure that when she is hungry everyone around will know that she is hungry is not good to keep
4--She's Not Family Orientated
Stay away from a vvoman that is not family orientated, she doesn't like anything to do with your family or relatives, she is not comfortable with your parents/family visiting or going to visit your family
5-- She Is Easily Swayed
A woman that her attention can be easily diverted is not good to keep, you need someone that is firm and knows what she wants, knows what she is doing and doesn't compromise when doing the right thing. someone with dignity.
6-- She Is Disrespectful And Lies
if she disrespected you and lies not once is not a mistake, it's a habit and a lying vvoman is a dangerous to keep, nothing less than honesty no matter how hurtful it can be. don't accept the bullllshitt of "some lies are to save face, life or the relationship" a small lie can lead to trust issues permanently so save yourself from mental stress.
7-- She Likes And Craves For What You Don't Have
As a man you have carrot but your vvoman likes cucumber, she likes it big but pretending and only sticking around because you're loaded with cash? call it off.