Private Video: Someone is using my most vulnerable moment to bläckmail me — Actress Lizzy Jay cries out 

she made a video using her Snapchat and cropped the part she wanted him to see. She sent to him and he affirmed that she was reacting to the dr¥gs and advised her to quit using them. 

Private Video: Someone is using my most vulnerable moment to bläckmail me — Actress Lizzy Jay cries out 

Actress Adeyela Adebola aka Lizzy Jay has taken to IG to raise awareness about her ordeal in the hands of a blackm#iler who’s in possession of her pr+vate video.

In a 15-minute video, she revealed that few months ago, she was t£rribly sick and was placed on antib#otics and opioids. She noted that she s¥ffered a reaction as a result of using the dr¥gs; skin itching, ra§hes and bl#£ding from her pri+vate part which caused her intense p@in.

Furthermore, Lizzy Jay said she contacted a male friend who was a doctor via WhatsApp and explained her ailment. The doctor requested her to send a visual of the affected part to ascertain what was going on. She revealed that she was initially shy about sending the picture or video to him because he was her friend. So, she made a video using her Snapchat and cropped the part she wanted him to see. She sent to him and he affirmed that she was reacting to the dr¥gs and advised her to quit using them. 

Lizzy added that she deleted the video from her Snapchat immediately making it. She said, of recent, someone has been commenting on her page saying he had her private videos and he’d publish them. She initially called it bluff because she was sure no one had her n+d£s. Then, the blackm#iler started sending her thr£ats via emails. According to her, he used her email address he hack£d. The said email address was the same one she used for her Snapchat and other social media pages before she changed it. 

Still narrating her ordeal, she said the balckm#iler posted the video on IG and attend her to it. She used the opportunity to gather information from his Instagram highlights about him. When she refused to yield to his thr£ats, he promised to send the video to blogs and post on TikTok. 

Meanwhile, Lizzy Jay has assured him that she won’t send a dime to him and he should carry out his thr£at. She opined she’d rather use the money to find his location rather than send to him to not post the video.