After post utme reg,what next for aspiring candidate's seeking admission into NSUK?
Check out Frequently asked questions by nsuk aspirants!

Frequently asked questions by nsuk aspirants
It's no longer a news that the post utme registration for the 2024 Nsuk on Friday and it is therefore to note that there might be an extension afterwards..
It was advised that all Candidates that had issues regards to their post utme registrations,should rectify it before the closing date.
Alot of aspirants have been asking series of questions about Nsuk, however pqconnect have been able to compile all ur questions together and provided answer's to them.
PQ,Is there any departmental cut off mark set for each depts in nsuk?
ANS-Aside the jamb cut off point announced by the school,NO.
PQ,Will Nsuk reopen the post utme portal again?
PQ,When will NSUK admission process start and end?
ANS-Admission for the 2024 Aspirants of nsuk to commence Towards the end of this year and it has no end,Admission keeps rolling out till exam period
PQ,Is there any pass mark for the online screening?
PQ,Please my status on my post utme portal is still showing pending,can I still be considered for admission?
ANS-Yes,just be praying
PQ,Can I be given admission on school lists first when its out without being admitted or accepting my admission on caps?
ANS-No,u must first accept ur admission on caps before seeing or accepting ur admission on the school portal,reasons are because jamb has warned against illegal admissions.
PQ,How many lists would nsuk release,on the school admission portal?
ANS-Prior to past experiences,once you are being offered admission via jamb caps and you've accepted it,be rest assured that the school would update ur details via the school admission portal which will enable you know that you've being given an admission via the school lists.
PQ,I heard that school can change my course when they release admissions on the school portal,even after accepting my course on jamb portal,how true is it?
ANS-Yes its true
Why—because,they know that if some candidates course are change on jamb portal, most candidates will not accept/decline the course changed,so as to give room for others who wants the offer to accept,so U may accept political science on jamb caps,and wen the school admission lists comes out on the school admission portal,u may see another course given(related or not related to the course u accepted on jamb portal),most times they do that,if they find out that the quota for such department is filled up.
PQ,How many students,will nsuk admit this year?
ANS-This year 2024 admission,nsuk likely to admit 6000+ New intakes
PQ,Can I upload/reupload at a café
ANS-No,only a jamb cbt accredited center,u upload at a café,u do so at ur own risk?
PQ,When will the 2024 sets resume
ANS-The 2024 aspirants will be resuming next year 2025
PQ,What happens if I don’t upload/reupload my olevel results?
ANS-It’s a simple answer,no admission for you
PQ,How can I accept my admission?
ANS-Café or ur andriod phone
PQ,Can I be congratulated on caps without seeing AIP?
ANS-Yes,but the truth is that,it can only happen when the acceptance of admission commences fully,some candidates will just wake up on morning and directly see ACCEPT OR REJECT ADMISSION without seeing AIP
PQ,is there anything as staff requests lists?
ANS-Yes,there is,now this staff requests are meant for lecturers,Dr,HOD,etc of the institution,,who are being given a number of slots for admission,mind u,staff lists comes out together with those considered for admission,so don’t think it’s one kind of special lists,and mind u,if the person whose helping u work ur admission,don’t follow it up bk to bk,las las u fit no get sha.
PQ,Can the school the change my course on jamb portal?
ANS-Yes,why?because if each department has reach its quota they admit/accept for each session,or perhaps u did not meet up with the criterias,they have no option than to change ur course to another course.
PQ,How do I know that my course is changed?
ANS-when admission process kick starts, always Check ur transfer program on jamb caps,u can see that.
PQ,How do I link my email address to jamb?
ANS-Visit any jamb cbt center for that
PQ,How can I check my admission status without going to a jamb cbt center to check?
ANS-Use the email address u linked during ur jamb registration and the password sent to that same email address after linking it,use it to login ur jamb caps
PQ,I cant login to my jamb caps,using the right email and password?
ANS-Well rectify the issue,or u can message us or our team via whatsapp 08096932369 for assistance(charges applies for such rectification)
PQ,How can I know if my olevel result is uploaded on jamb portal?
ANS-Check ur olevel on ur jamb caps
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