We're making efforts to secure release of four kidnapped students---Gov A.A SULE speaks

We're making efforts to secure release of four kidnapped students---Gov A.A SULE speaks

Nasarawa State Governor, Engineer Abdullahi Sule, said his administration is in touch with kidnappers that abducted four female students at the Nasarawa State University Keffi, adding that security agents are gearing efforts to secure the release of the four female students.

Engineer Sule made this known when he presided over an expanded state executive council meeting at the Government House, on Wednesday. 

According to the Governor, talks are ongoing with security agencies aimed at seeking the release of the kidnapped students. 

Furthermore, Engineer Sule directed the Commissioner for Special Duties and Humanitarian Services, Margaret Elayo, to visit the university and to meet with the management of the institution on the way forward.

"Just this morning, I spoke with the Vice Chancellor on what steps to take. We have been discussing with the security agencies to see to the release of these children. We pray that these students will be released as quickly as possible," he stated. 

It would be recalled that Police authorities confirmed the invasion of a community in Keffi Local Government Area of the state by gunmen, where four students of the state’s university were kidnapped and taken to an unknown destination.